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06-12-2012     - 10-12-2012  
6-10 December 2012
Kraków Audytorium Maximum UJ
» Wydarzenia inne

Thursday (6 December)

15.00 - 17.00 Registration
17.00 Conference Opening (Large lecture - Hall A, Auditorium Maximum)
17.30 Opening speech:
H. E. Lech Wałęsa (Large lecture - Hall A, Auditorium
Prof. Andrzej Mania (Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs of the
Jagiellonian University)
Prof. Sev Ozdowski (President of the Australian Council for Human
Rights Education)
19.00 Cocktail (Hall in Auditorium Maximum) Welcoming speeches of:
Prof. Jacek Majchrowski (President of Kraków)
Marek Sowa (Marshal of Malopolska Voivodeship)
Prof. Bogdan Szlachta (Dean of the Faculty of International and Political Studies of the
Jagiellonian University)

Friday (7 December)

8.55 - 10.30 Plenary Session 1 (Large lecture - Hall A, Auditorium Maximum): Central Europe as an Example of Successful Transition from Communism to Democracy - and to Human Rights Education? Complexity of Eastern and Southeastern European countries
Chair: Prof. Arkady Rzegocki (Jagiellonian University)
Prof. Janusz Cisek (Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Poland) - Transition from Communism to Democracy: the Case of Poland
Msgr. Václav Malý (Catholic Auxilary Bishop of Prague) - Transition from
Communism to Democracy: the Case of Czechoslovakia
Dr Reinhild Otte (Council of Europe) - Period of Transition in Central, Eastern and South- Eastern Europe - the Role of the Council of Europe in Promoting Education for Democracy and Human Rights
10.30 - 11.00 Morning Break
11.00 - 12.35 Plenary Session 2 (Large lecture - Hall A, Auditorium Maximum):
New Technologies and Human Rights Education.
A new obstacle or a chance to HRE? Debate on freedom, security and Human Rights
Chair: prof. Stanisław Kistryn (Jagiellonian University)
Prof. Marek Szymoński (Jagiellonian University, Head of the Department of Physics of Nanostructrures and Nanotechnology) - Nanotechnology - Threats and Opportunities for Human Rights and Human Rights Education
Dr Christopher Kullenberg (Gothenburg University, Telecomix) - Does
Internet Freedom Have a Price? Examples from the Arab Spring
Mrs Christiana Maria Mauro (AK Vorrat, Legal Advocate) - Promoting Civil Liberties in a Digital World: Data Retention and its Normative Impli- cations
Mr Piotr Waglowski (Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunication, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University) - National Languages in the Era of Globalisation vs. Equal Treatment by Public Authorities
12.35 - 13.30 Lunch (Exhibition room)
13.30 - 15.00 Plenary Session 3 (Large lecture - Hall A, Auditorium Maximum):
Welfare Rights in Times of Austerity Crisis
Chair: Dr Dorota Pietrzyk-Reeves (Jagiellonian University)
Prof. Jerzy Stępień (Lazarski University, Former President of Polish
Constitutional Tribunal) - Social Roots of Economical Crisis
Prof. Leonardo Becchetti (University of Rome Tor Vergata) - The Vote with the Wallet: Effective Instruments for a Democratic and Participated Wellbeing
Msgr. Dr Werner Freistetter (Head of the Institute for Religion and Peace, Vienna) - Soldiers and their Families. Ethical Challenges in a Time of Social and Military Transformation
15.00 - 15.30 Afternoon Break
15.30 - 17.00 Concurrent Sessions 1 / Workshops (Auditorium Maximum)
17.00 - 17.30 Evening Break
17.30 - 19.00 Concurrent Sessions 2 / Workshops (Auditorium Maximum)
19.30 (optional) Visiting the Jagiellonian University Museum in Collegium Maius (Jagiellonska S. 15)

Saturday (8 December)

8.15 - 9.45 Plenary Session 4 (Large lecture - Hall A, Auditorium Maximum):
Bioethics, Biotechnology and Human Rights Education
Chair: Prof. Andrzej Rzepliński (President of the Constitutional Tribunal of the
Republic of Poland)
Prof. Christian Hillgruber (University of Bonn, Dean of the Faculty of
Law and Economics) - The Protection of Human Life in the Prenatal Phase
- A Constitutional Perspective
Msgr. Prof. Piotr Mazurkiewicz (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyńki University) -
Bio-ethical Issues in the Framework of the EU-policy
Prof. Sigrid Sterckx (Ghent Bioethics Institute) - Research and Commer- cialization of Human Body Material: Reflections from a Human Rights Perspective
9.45 - 10.15 Special Presentation: Prof. Helen Milner (President of International Political Science Association, Professor at Princeton University, USA) - Globalization and Governance in the 21st century
10.15 - 10.45 Morning Break
10.45 - 11.30 Special Presentation: H.E Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson (Cardinal, President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace) - The Catholic Church in Human Rights Protection
11.30 - 13.00 Plenary Session 5 (Auditorium Maximum):
Peace and Development. The Role of Institutions and Countries in Hu- man Rights Protection and Education
Chair: Prof. Bogusława Bednarczyk (Jagiellonian University, A. F. Modrzewski
Prof. John C. Mubangizi (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Deputy Vice-Chancellor) - Protecting and Promoting Human Rights in So- uth Africa: Lessons and Challenges
Prof. Shiow-Duan Hawang (Soochow University, Taipei) - Can Taiwan be an Example of Successful Promotion of Human Rights in Asia?
Prof. Mab Huang (Soochow University, Taipei) - Human Rights Educa- tion at the University Level in Taiwan and the Plans for 2013 International Conference
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch (Exhibition room)
14.00 - 15.30 Concurrent Sessions 3 / Workshops (Auditorium Maximum)
15.30 - 15.50 Afternoon Break
15.50 - 17.20 Concurrent Sessions 4 / Workshops (Auditorium Maximum)
17.20 - 17.30 Afternoon Break
17.30 - 18.45 Concurrent Sessions 5 / Workshops (Auditorium Maximum)
19.30 (optional) Holy Mass at Kraków Curia Chapel (Franciszkanska S. 3)
- Initiative of Cardinal Turkson and Cardinal Dziwisz
20.30 - 23.00 Conference Dinner

(*) at Hotel Radisson Blu (Straszewskiego S. 17)
(*) For participants who paid the full registration fee when registering
Special Presentation by Prof. Andrzej Rzepliński
(President of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal)

Sunday (9 December)

8.15 Departure to Oświęcim City
10.15 - 12.15 Visiting the Museum of KL Auschwitz-Birkenau
12.15 - 14.00 Lunch
14.15 - 16.00 Visiting Oświęcim City
16.30 - 18.00 Plenary Session 6 (Main auditorium in the State School of Higher
Education in Oświęcim):
How KL Auschwitz Could Have Ever Happened?
European Identity. Multiculturalism and the Problem of the Other
Chair: Prof. Witold Stankowski (Rector of the State School of Higher Education in Oświęcim)
Jonathan Webber (Jagiellonian University, member of the International Auschwitz Council 1990-2012) - Significance of Auschwitz for the Contem- porary Jews
Prof. Peter Hommelhoff (University of Heidelberg) - Significance of Au- schwitz for the Contemporary Germans
Prof. Andrzej Zoll ( Jagiellonian University, Former Polish Ombudsman and President of the Constitutional Tribunal) - Significance of Auschwitz for Human Rights
18.00 - 18.30 Afternoon Break. Coffee and sandwiches
18.30 - 20.00 Plenary Session 7 (Main auditorium in the State School of Higher
Education in Oświęcim):
Multiculturalism. The End of Multiculturalism Policy? How to Teach Human Rights Today?
Chair: Prof. Roman Wieruszewski (Polish Academy of Sciences, Director of the
Poznan Human Rights Centre)
Dr Jacob Cornides (Human Rights Lawyer) - Universal Values or Particu- lar Agendas - Can We Still Speak Credibly of ‘Human Rights’?
Prof. Andrzej Szahaj (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities) - Universalism or Pluralism of Human Rights Dr Sev Ozdowski (University of Western Sydney, President of the Austra- lian Council for Human Rights Education) - Australian Multiculturalism: The Roots of its Success
20.00 Departure to Kraków

Monday (10 December)

9.00 - 10.45 Plenary Session 8 (Large lecture - Hall A, Auditorium Maximum):
The Arab Spring. What is its Cause? HRE Models in Africa
Chair: Dr Łukasz Fyderek (Jagiellonian University, Institute of Middle and Far East Studies)
Prof. Sa’ad Abu Dayeh (Jordan University) - The Examination of the Causes of the Arab Spring in North Africa: Egypt, Tunisia and Libya Paper co-authored with Assistant Professor Haneen Abudayeh
Toward an Islamic Reformation: Twenty Years Later (paper co-authored with Assistant Professor Haneen Abudayeh)
Prof. Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im (Emory University School of Law, Atlanta) - Toward an Islamic Reformation: Twenty Years Later
Prof. Paweł Siwiec (Jagiellonian University, Institute of Middle and Far East Studies) - Iraqi Kurdistan: the Road Towards a Multicultural, Demo- cratic Society
10.45 - 11.30 Morning Break
11.30 - 12.00 Paweł Włodkowic Prize Award Ceremony
Presentation on the Paweł Włodkowic Prize (Prof. Irena Lipowicz) Presentation on the Paweł Włodkowic (Prof. Bogdan Szlachta) Laudation / Film presentation on the Laureate
Speech given by the Laureate
12:15 Break/Press Conference
12:30-13:30 Plenary Session 9 (Large lecture - Hall A, Auditorium Maximum): Ombudsman Panel. Human Rights in Digital World - Threats and Challenges. Discussion on: Dignity, Sensitive Data, Protection of Privacy, Bioethics, Copyrights
Chair: Prof. Irena Lipowicz (Ombudsman for Poland)
Peter Tyndall (Ombudsman for Wales)
Caroline C. Z. Sokoni (Ombudsman for Zambia)
13.30 - 14.00 The Closing Speech
14.00 - 15.00 Lunch (Exhibition room)
Kraków Audytorium Maximum UJ



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